Tuesday, June 4, 2013


by Adam Ghory. 12/21/2010

Sigh. Another 400 billion dollar tax break for the rich.

Obama's right, dealing with the Republicans is like negotiating with hostages.

They'll shut down the government before giving a dime to 9/11 first responders. Wow. That issue is worth a filibuster.

Sorry, we just can't spare the cash for true American heroes. Oh wait, here's 400 billion dollars for our rich friends. Umm...

I'm against reducing Russian nuclear weapons. I'm against having American inspectors at Russian nuclear facilities.

What kind of policy is that?

There's a reason why previous nuclear weapons treaties passed almost unanimously. They are no-brainers.

I'll do anything to stop an 'Obama' victory. Okay, let's be real. Reducing nuclear weapons is not a victory for Obama. It is a victory for the American people and the world. There's a difference.

If Republicans negotiated a peace treaty between Israel and Palestine, do you think Obama wouldn't sign it? He would sign it with like a ga-jillion pens and you could put your name all over it, and call it The GOP Treaty To Solve That Big Problem In The Middle East That Obama Couldn't Figure Out, and he would still sign it!

Oh, and the Elephants would win by a landslide in 2012. Obama, what did you do, increase the deficit by a trillion dollars? We pretty much won the war on terror. How do you like your peace prize now? 10 points, Slytherin.

That's what is hilarious. There are so many problems that are not really that difficult to solve if you just devote a little money and effort in the right way.

Clean drinking water for the entire world. Maybe 15 billion dollars. Let's solve climate change through energy research. Maybe 20 billion dollars. Let's win the hearts and minds by building schools to educate the women and children in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Another couple billion dollars.

Better yet, let's build schools in every third world country we can find. Nothing drops exponential population growth and dirty resource usage like a good education. Our planet needs to be a whole lot smarter, and a whole lot less greedy. Hey super-rich, can you spare some change?

But no, let's give billionaires and millionaires another tax break. They need the money. And that's what the voters demanded in the last election.

Don't ask don't tell? Please. In the heat of battle, when the Taliban is firing a live AK-47 at you, trust me, no one on your team is thinking about getting laid. News flash: gays are already in these combat units. And they're some of the best soldiers we have.

If losing Don't Ask Don't Tell pissed them off, I cant imagine how the health care bill must make them feel. Insuring millions of impoverished Americans who are not even sick, so that health care costs stop ballooning? Makes me angry too.

Oh but the guy who manages my retirement account, he needs a tax break. Bad.

I mean, he just went through the great recession (poor baby!). And his X-mas bonus this year will be nowhere near what it was in 2007.

What? No one was held accountable for that? You mean, no one from any of those too-big-to-fail banks took the heat for pretty much destroying several million jobs? Huh? That seems fair. Let's not look into it. Let's just keep our fingers crossed and hope that it doesn't happen again.

How can you give disgustingly rich people a tax break and still be serious about cutting the deficit? Doesn't make sense to me. Somebody is lying to us...

Republicans better hope that the American public doesn't wake up and realize what a scam they've been given in this last election, and how destructive this obstructionist policy really is to their country, or they will get slaughtered in 2012.

But Obama and the Democrats are playing along with it. So they are vulnerable too...

I wonder what Noam Chomsky thinks of all this gridlock mess in the current congress. He probably saw it coming.

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